3 Oct 2012

Letting Go

Letting go of preconceptions in a mentally conditioned universe;
Let the verse direct the architect of pure reality;
Let the silence wrap its butterfly around the wings of sensitive mythology.
Letting the sofa, chair and stare unravel in the mystery of what it is to be;
Where empty eyes commune in momentary looks the space in which the I does overlook the very silence one can hear,
Letting flowers flourish in the sudden scene of glowing air.

Letting go, as waves run down into the caverns where our dreams begun;
Where the taste for truth was hid and underfed,
Fixing up the instead, the weary crawling soul,
Bred to stuff imaginary holes into the faceless mass;
Where conformity becomes a must;
And your deepest spark is turned to dust?

Letting go with deepest trust that the inner lantern of your life was made to glow in incandescent waves, and fan horizons,
Where the space & presence behave in ways of cosmic interplay
The architecture of adventure begs to blur the boundaries between the number & the sign,
The momentary and divine,
Where identities seek the skyights of a dreamscape city;
From Atlantis to infinity.

Letting go into the clouds of careless being,
Leaving even names behind to enter realms, remaining undefined;
We often cry when our breath speaks blissful emptiness.
Letting go of worlds that all the people,
Buiding in the sands, had named a steeple;
Stooping low to harmonise the glow, until the ocean swept onto the shore;
And constructions were no more.
As nothing stands within the sands;
And action does not form at all;
Every moment is a corridor along the hall.

So letting go into the unborn breath,
Open to the whisper of the tide;
Let yourself exist and enjoy the ride;
We may be tourists on this Earth,
But still give birth to dreams;
Just let go, let it be a mystery.

A primitive mythology
Of original intuiting.